As its valentines day, this is my really really long list of 100 things i love (:
1. Big sunglasses
2. Crazy old fabric
3. Thomas
4. One Tree Hill
5. Having my neck pierced
6. Wearing loads of jewelery
7. Old books
8. Disney films
9. Tattoos
10. My own pillow.
11. Jack Daniels & Coke
12. Skittles
13. 50's dresses
14. City & Colour
15. Meeting random people in pubs and actually holding a conversation with them
16. Seeing brilliant bands live
17. Spittlefields
18. Sixty Million Postcards
19. Alice in Wonderland (the book/ film/ new film - all of it!)
20. Randomly painting something new in my room.
21. Old photos
23. Roses
24. Playing loud scary music when i drive a matiz
25. markets
26. biker boots
27. Sketches & tattoos of birds
28. Rose wine
29. blogging
30. Patterned tights
31. Durban in South Africa
32. People with unnaturally coloured hair
34. Jane Eyre
35. Brilliant friends
36. Song lyrics
37. Clothing companies that are part of the ethical trading standards committee (:
38. Brighton
39. Sparklers
40. Oversized warm cardigans
41. Geeky glasses
42. Memories
43. Anything personal
44. Sunflowers
46. Feeding the ducks
47. Getting the giggles
48. Writing lists (had you guessed?)
49. Old records
50. Band t- shirts
51. Ribena
52. Certain female artists that its actually a little lame to listen too (:
53. Brogues
54. Picnics, with real picnic baskets
56. Surprises
57. Sex & the City (tv series)
58. Keira Knightley
59.Head Scarves used as bows
60. Cute pets
61. Really great films; the changeling, the duchess, atonement & the black swan.
62. All sweets
63. The beach
64. Marmite
65. Stars on a clear night
66. Candles
67. Frank Usher
68. Girls that wear pumps with white socks and cute dresses
69. Scorpions (well, i want a tattoo of one - urban myths & all that)
71. Quirky shops
72. Old furniture
73. Pretty vintage bunting
74. Aphrodite beach in Cyprus
75. Spending a day doing absolutely nothing with someone you love
76. Going for walks
77. Walk in wardrobes - i need one.
78. Attractive couples
79. Hand made amazing jewelery/ hair pieces etc
81. Big cameras that look awesome
82. Nicknames
83. Vintage buttons
84. Doodling song lyrics
85. Cafe rouge
86. Black nail polish
87. The Velveteen rabbit
88. Greetings cards
89. Cranberry juice with a wedge of lime
90. High waisted skirts
91. Christmas Jumpers
93. Zippos
94. Quotes from skins - 'i don't care if you think you're odd, because i feel like singing when I see you'
95. People that are really really good at photography.
96. Dresses covered in beads & sequins
97. Cute girls name; Hettie, Dora etc
98. Peacock feathers
99. Rome
( ( ( ( (lovefromhettyanddave)
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